Lets Make HealthCare

More Affordable

India’s 1st Platform To Compare Medicine Prices.

Very easy to use, searches medicine quickly and with prices comparing almost every major online seller's prices..

 Sarah D
Medicomp User

Save Time and Money with MEDICOMP India

MEDICOMP India helps you easily compare medicine prices, find the best deals, and check availability.
Our platform provides transparency in pricing, so users can make informed decisions about their healthcare expenses.
The real-time update feature of MEDICOMP India ensures that users have the most accurate and current information regarding medicine prices, special offers, and availability.
45,000 +
Requests / month
This high volume indicates that many people trust the platform for their medicine comparison needs. Users frequently access MEDICOMP India to check prices, availability, and find the best deals on medicines.
10+ Pharmacies Listed
MEDICOMP India features over 10 trusted pharmacies, giving users a wide range of options for purchasing medicines. This extensive network allows users to find the best deals and choose the pharmacy that meets their specific needs, whether it's price, location, or delivery speed.
2,00,000 +
MEDICOMP India offers data on over 200,000 medicines, providing an extensive database for users to compare. This comprehensive collection includes both branded and generic medicines, covering a wide range of health conditions and treatments. Users can easily search for specific medicines, compare prices across different pharmacies, and check availability.

Pricing & Plans

Get all the features you need for free with Medicomp.
Compare medicine prices, Check availability, and Find the best deals without any cost.
Individual Plan
Live Medicine Price Comparison
Real-Time Availability Checking
Access to Multiple Pharmacy Listings
Access To 2,00,000 + Medicine Data
Substitute Suggestions

Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about Medicomp
to help you get the information you need. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our support team

Unlock the Full Potential of Medicomp India